2024-06-16 Sun

  Gov. Websites
  Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau
  Centro de Serviços da RAEM
  Centros de Prestação de Serviços ao Público

For enquiries on the administrative formalities of different government departments or to lodge complaints or suggestions related to the services and operation of government departments, please call the Public Information Centre at 8866 8866.

After dialing 8866 8866, choose the language first before using the following services:
Press “0” to contact the receptionist * (voice mail service available during non-office hours)
Press “1” to enquire about the contact information of government departments via the voice response system

* Note: If you only wish to talk to the receptionist directly, you can press “0” directly after choosing language (press “4” for English).

Contact the Receptionist

The receptionist is responsible for providing information on the administrative formalities of different government departments and receiving citizens’ complaints and suggestions regarding the services and operation of government departments. (voice mail service is available during non-office hours; our Centre shall contact the citizen and provide him or her with the required information on the following working day).

Enquire about the Contact Information about Government Departments via the Voice Response System

Under construction

Other Ways to Contact the Public Information Centre

Visiting in person: Reception counter: Rua do Campo, n.° 162, Edifício Administração Pública, r/c, Macau
By post: Postage free, please address your letter to: "Centro de Informações ao Público" or "CIP"
Website: www.cip.gov.mo (Online Suggestion Box)
Email: info@safp.gov.mo
Via facsimile : (853) 2835 3355